Saturday, February 27, 2010

And the Caged Animals Cry, for More 'Idol' Worship

There's really no reason for world hunger to be an issue to our planet, but we don't see this because we are so blinded by a strong faith in our dependence on money and materialism. We reason with a presumed authority in power, who tells us through emotionally biased news feeds and advertisements that we depend on everything money can offer. As we continue exemplifying our manipulated obedience to conformity, our emotions leave us vulnerable to the feeling of needing to convert in order to survive. We get so caught up in our busy so-called 'lives' that we forget what is really important to us. Of course our intellect, as well as the proper usage of our resources, aren't always the biggest concerns. It is sad to know that the majority in our culture knows more about American Idol than knowing the three branches of our American Government. I as well have been found guilty of not knowing the three branches of our government. If that's not sad enough, I also didn't even know/remember that there were three until today, but I can also say that I have no clue who 'Ellen' is or what it has to do with American Idol.

Apparently, more people typically vote for American Idol than for presidential elections as well. The American society exercises a dependency on emotionally biased and fallacious arguments in order to pay attention and the media uses this to their advantage. Can this really be considered an advancement in our culture? Heck no! If a population depends on their emotions, in response to an exaggeration or a lie, as a basis to forming a decision... then there is an obvious error concerning our overall intellect, and is in dire need of careful observation and concern. No wonder why there are so many people suffering from insecurities and guilt. Our outer, authoritative influences are lying to us, telling us who to be and how to live, in order to gain profit off of our obedience and fear/insecurities. You are free in this country, that is, if you are perfectly comfortable with acting on your emotions and being crammed inside everyone else's 'box'. Knowledge is the key to liberation, something that television/ads do not offer. I believe that our focus is more concerned with what's popular rather than what's necessary.

Edible Landscaping can, not only benefit toward people's personal gardens, but also parks, school properties, churches, and pretty much anywhere. Churches don't even have to pay taxes for their over abundance of land usage, so they could also contribute toward ending, not just our own, but the World's hunger. We don't 'have' to eat meat to survive. We can get just as much, and some can even argue, better nutrients from eating off of plant bearing food and fungi, as long as it's grown in the right environment for it's specie. Egg sharing can also be inexpensive. This could benefit, as fish and chicken are healthier and cheaper meats. We can get protein from chicken eggs, so why do we need to eat 'chicken' beyond that of an egg? Either way, having a good number of chickens around can be beneficial toward human survival, especially for 3rd world countries that are suffering of starvation. If people are to eat meat they should be willing to kill their own food. It disassociates us from understanding where our food comes otherwise, which has led us to forget how to respect the very lives of which we sacrifice and depend on. Tilapia, as well, could easily be bred in large enough quantities to place in local ponds and lakes around the warmer climatic regions, thus resolving our need to depend on money for food.

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