Friday, February 19, 2010

Skinny Cow

At first glance, you might not find anything wrong with this ad, but as you start noticing the details you'll find that there is.This is an ad for low fat dairy products. Everything about this ad emphasizes on being skinny, from the measuring tape on the waist line to the skinny human female figure of the cow. It focuses on only women and losing weight. This can lead to puting pressure on women to lose weight and have low self-esteem. It could also lead to having an eating disorder. This is a big problem for many adolestants because of the media putting pressure on them to be skinny. Although this is not always the main cause of an eating disorder, it can affect a person greatly. That is why I feel more commercials and ads in the media should put out more realistic images of life even though life is not always "beautiful", it want put pressure on you to be like the Victoria Secret models.

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