Friday, April 16, 2010

If I'm hungry, like right now, the cheese burger in this image would be tempting. Although delicious, I do not want to eat from fast food restuarants. Before seeing Food Incorporated, I was aware of how animals were being treated before being slaughtered, but I was not aware of what exactly was going on in the food industry. It is so sad that the death of a child was from eating a hamburger. There are so many dangers that a mother has to look out for, food should not be one of them. It is true about there being a veil covering the truth: Chickens having breasts twice as big, making it hard to walk, while being in the dark. It is not the proper way to raise a chicken. When I get the chance, I would like to grow my own vegetables and buy from a farmer's market. Not only would it be good for the animals, but for me as well.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Beware of the Pitbull

I am doing my research paper on pitbulls, and how the media portrays them as these vicious animals by only putting the tragic stories of pitbulls attacking people. They are misunderstood because of the media. Most of them are raised to fight, which makes them aggressive. If they were raised properly, they could be the sweetest companion to be around with. It all depends on the type of environment they are put in. My friend had a black pitbull who was friendly and very hyper. Since he was living in a good environment, he was not aggressive, but very strong. Once their jaws latch on to something, they lock. This could be very dangerous if they bite you. In the media, news stories give any dog that looks like an American Pitbull Terrior, the name pitbull. These dogs they confuse them with are sometimes the American Staffordshire Terrior, the Staffordshire Bull terrior, the American Bull dog and many more. The thing is that any of these dogs can become aggressive, if put in an environment in which they are abused.

Friday, April 9, 2010


After watching the movie Food Inc. in class, I will no longer be eating any Tyson chicken products. The movie explained how Tyson has been the largest chicken processing company in the world for the last fifty years. Between the combination of the facts presented and the vivid images shown, Tyson should be shut down. I cannot believe that companies like Tyson are legally allowed to do some of the things they do to sell their product. Regenerating the chicken to have larger breasts is unfair and unethical. It showed in the movie that because of the large breasts the chickens cannot even walk more than two or three steps before toppling over. How is that fair???

Friday, April 2, 2010

"Mom, where do babies come from?"

"Where do babies come from?" This question is one that is inevitable as a parent. Every chile, at some point, is going to ask that same question. Where do you start? The birds and the bees? Most parents figure it out and come up with some sort of reasonable explanation for their kid or kids. But what happens if its not that simple? If you are a child that has been a result of donated eggs or sperm. That will definitely make things a little harder to explain. I personally don't see anything ethically wrong with an arranged baby, especially if one or both partners are unable to reproduce. In the essay read, the family requesting the baby just had too many requests. No one can have a perfect baby. If that was the case, EVERYONE would had the prefect baby.


When I was in high school, I would sometimes go to my grandma's house for a visit. Her next door neighbor had a grandson who left his pitbull puppy chained up in the backyard in a shed. The poor puppy was starving and you could see the ribs and bones from his hips. Since the neighbor was 78 years old and had a dog of her own to take care of, she did not take care of the pitbull. When I found out, I decided to go everyday and feed the pitbull some of my dogs food and give him water. After a few days, Geraldito, the owner of the dog, came back and got food for the pitbull. I was relieved to know that he was being fed but still upset that he was not getting the proper attention and love that every dog needs. The owner left him again and eventually I found out that the pitbull had been taken away. I never found out what happened to him.

I don't understand why someone would get a dog if they are not going to take care of him. When this happened, I had just gotten my first dog. Her name is Honey and she is a golden retriever. I was learning the responsibilities of what it take to take care of a dog. A dog not only needs the attention of feeding him and bathing him but a dog needs a lot of love. Taking care of a dog is a big responsibility and I think people should be aware of that before they decide to get a dog, or any other pet.