Friday, March 19, 2010

Animal Farm

When I was in 9th grade, I had to read the book Animal Farm from George Orwell. At that time I would never have guessed that the book had anything to do with politics. I only thought it was about talking animals fighting over the farm. The truth is that this story is based on actual events in real history. Of course it did not involve talking animals but it was based on the Russian Revolution in 1917. The animals had taken over and the farm and eventually two pigs took over and created a system called Animalism. As time went by the rules were being broken and little by little the animals were starting to sleep on beds and walk on two legs. In the end, they could not tell who was human and who was an animal. It is amazing how Orwell could make a story about animals in a farm and turn it into this historical event.

1 comment:

  1. I had to read that too! Both you and I alike didn't realize it was about politics. I forgot about that book entirely until your post.
