Friday, March 26, 2010

Dogs don't play games!

I was reading some of the headlines on and I came up on this article and video of a pit-bull canine attacking a police cruiser. The policeman said he had no idea what sparked the attack, but sure enough, something did. The pit-bull, without any notice, started chewing and tearing off the front bumper of the cruiser. After a matter of 45 seconds or so, the pit-bull had the bumper off the car entirely and someone left the cruiser with a flat tire. The dog was detained for a week and then released back to it's owner. The court ordered that the dog is required to attend obedient school to hopefully prevent any future attacks. Although the video and story is very amusing, it could have been catastrophic if this was a child or any person for that matter. Here is the the link if you guys would like to check it out!

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