Saturday, January 30, 2010

Despite the appearance of the ever growing popularity towards violence in movies and the mind crippling media of pop culture, it seems as if more and more people are searching for the ideal 'Green World'. This week has made me more aware of the many brilliant people who all share at least one thing in common. Hope! Though some people may show a lack in compassion for the many innocent lives of the people and animals suffering, there are a growing number of others who understand that we can overcome these destructive forces of ignorance, hostility, and hazardous waste if we all work together. It's not that difficult to recycle, help others in need, and prevent littering. There are so many options available, it's just the matter of 'doing it'. This leads me to question the many who protested national health care recently. Why protest against the health of our nation, rather than the poison in our public drinking water? Yes, that was a rhetorical question, as I understand that they obviously aren't concerned with our overall health. Even Britta can not redeem what the unnecessary use of fluoride has done to the calcified pineal gland in my brain, as filters seem to have been designed with a fluoride removal fail system. I'm no expert on the effects of calcification to the pineal gland... but, I do know that fluoride does NOT strengthen your teeth, rather it does the opposite to your bones. Knowledgeable insight of the harmful effects fluoride has can only lead me to guess that these fear mongering protesters probably intake the recommended eight 8-ounce glasses of fluoride and arsenic contaminated water each day. The way you treat your mind effects the way you'll treat your life, and the way you treat your life effects the way you'll treat your environment, and the way you treat your environment will in deed effect the way it'll treat you in return. Poisoning our minds in turn poisons our environment, and that's just simple logic. The more we understand, the more we can grow. We can get through this!

Friday, January 29, 2010

As the years progress, and the environment is in more need of help, many more people are involving themselves in helping the environment by going green. Yet there is so much controversy as to what needs to be done. So many people are complaining about the environment and all the violence now a days and they do nothing to help the situation but be hipocritical. I believe in order for us to make this "help the earth" situation we must all do our part in recycling and just the little things like stop littering and reducing your carbon footprint.... This picture resembles peace and unity in making the world a better place.


In my narrative essay, I talk about a pamphlet that was given to me. It had information on the animal abuse that occurs in factories. I was so upset from hearing this and seeing the graphic pictures they had in the pamphlet. There were corpses of pigs on the floor and chickens that were starving. I don't see how people could do this to animals. They deserve respect because they suffer and feel pain just as we do.

Doing the peer review could be helpful for your partner, but it can also be helpful to you. While you are putting advice on how to improve his/her qwn paper, you could be learning ways in which you could improve your paper. In reading the comments of my paper, I realized that I did not put much of myself into the paper when talking about the animal abuse. I realized I should put more experiences that I have had with animals.

Friday, January 22, 2010

In Michael Pollan's story, he tries to depict hunting as a very powerful and thrilling hobby. Yet alone, rewarding, when the job is done and you got what you originally went for in the first place. In the beginning of Michael's story, he tries to make all of his readers feel as if they were there with him in the forest . He is very detailed about what is going on and the thrill he feels as hes analyzing every little thing around him waiting for his prey.
From the few times that Ive been hunting, I can honestly relate and understand everything he explains to us about what is going through your head as your just sitting and anticipating for the moment you've been waiting for. And as he quoted in his story, when you're in the middle of the forest waiting, you say to yourself "I am the alert man".

Going in For the Kill

The perfect meal for Michael Pollan was the fact that he knew how everything was made and where it came from. He had hunted and killed his prey and made it into a meal. The meal that was made was cooked in the kitchen with the help of eachother. He was amazed by how something that does not look so appetizing uncooked, could turn into a delicious meal.
I agree with how that could be considered the perfect meal to him. I enjoy cooking, or at least attempting to cook, and have never experienced that perfect meal. I can't imagine myself killing an animal. I would probably be traumatized by it. Of course, if the only option I had was to hunt an animal for food, I would, because I understand that it is in our nature and hunting animals for food is a part of life. Just as lions chase down a gazelle or a snake catches a mouse, we as humans will kill animals for meat.

The Staple Remover: A blood mongering vicious demon of an inanimate contraption.

To some, this little guy may appear inconspicuous, but this black hat of all stationary items is a malicious beast that one must never dare to challenge (and by 'challenge' I mean 'not pay attention to while it's sitting on the floor'). How do these things happen? 'Tactical planning' sounds more reasonable for this injury to have been pulled off. Planning of God, I say! There's no other way to consider this but as a big 'eff you' from the man himself. I mean what's a better way to say it than "Good morning, I understand that you're thinking about attending your ENC class on time today, but here's a staple remover lodged up your finger nail, enjoy!". I'm beginning to catch on to a reoccurring pattern that makes it appear as if I am bound to either eternal tardies or eternal gradually increasing injuries, or maybe even both for this class. Why is it that the earlier I wake up to ensure punctuality for this class the worse things happen? What's next? Do I dare to wake another hour earlier, understanding my chances of increasing hazardous encounters simply based by perceived pattern?
How is it that other people suffer less from injuries? Common injuries for 'normal' people are generally like... on occasions stubbing your pinky-toe, or biting your tongue really hard by accident while eating. My common injuries are... getting sliced open from my hand down my wrist via 'coconut', really bad cardboard cuts, staple remover up the finger nail... critically injured by bottle caps and anything 'potentially' (or not) sharp, abuse happens even from the most absurd objects. My guess is that my best bet for avoiding any further tardies for this class is waking up before the sun is willing to show it's face, with a bubble suit at the foot of my bed!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Some people may cringe at this image, but this is exactly what the hunter was looking at in the narrative we have been discussing. Some people change their mind about hunting once it gets to this gruesome stage, cleaning. Cleaning? Ironic...I know. Guilt may be the case, or some may be grossed out by the "cleaning". Whatever the case may be, I believe that every meat eater should have no problem hunting their dinner.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Ironic Support for Freedom!

The image I used for this blog could quite possibly be photo shopped, but I appreciate the bold sense of irony and how it's representation stands similar to the article we read on "My Nike Media Adventure". Yes, I understand that some people may feel offended toward this article in the defense of the people we may see as victims, viewing it as their only means for survival, but do they see the irony in this? This makes me wonder for the Nike factory workers, those laboring for a company that is surprisingly still getting away with supporting slavery, but advertising freedom... ironic, eh? To me, it's about as cheap as our president obtaining a nobel peace prize, while currently at war and announcing that there's more war to come, when there is no shred of evidence to be found to justify the suffering of others that we are causing. Where is freedom when no equality is to be found? How can we claim that there is freedom when poverty is amongst us, while higher corporations profit off the misfortune of others, rather than using the funds to better support those in labor by helping grant others the equal opportunities that they deserve as people of this earth? How do some people sleep at night? Did anyone even listen to Martin Luther King? Did his message, as well as others alike, ever actually get through to people? If so, the numbers of which the message did not seem to get through is depressing. I believe that if more people than less listened, understood, or cared at all then the world would be very different today.

Staying Connected

In the story Faceless on Facebook, the author mentions her experience with her attempt to use Facebook. Throughout this story, she is overwhelmed by the fact that she thinks she has no time for this and she is worried about what people will see. She gets anxious easily and feels she needs to take pills just for using the site. In the end, she quits using the site in all because in a way she is saying she is much too superior for that; mentioning the cocktail parties that she will be attending. It gives a kind of ironic sense of what she is saying when throughout this whole story it is all about her.
I feel I can relate to this story only in the way that I feel self-conscious about what I will put, but I know I should'nt be worrying about those things. Like the author says,"Let people make their own judgements in person." I technically have facebook, but I never used it. Now that I am in college, I feel it is a good way to stay connected to family and friends.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


This image seems to tie in pretty well with our recent homework assignment, "My Nike Media Adventure". Maybe this image should have been included in the e-mails between Nike and the customer, what do you think?