Friday, January 29, 2010


In my narrative essay, I talk about a pamphlet that was given to me. It had information on the animal abuse that occurs in factories. I was so upset from hearing this and seeing the graphic pictures they had in the pamphlet. There were corpses of pigs on the floor and chickens that were starving. I don't see how people could do this to animals. They deserve respect because they suffer and feel pain just as we do.

Doing the peer review could be helpful for your partner, but it can also be helpful to you. While you are putting advice on how to improve his/her qwn paper, you could be learning ways in which you could improve your paper. In reading the comments of my paper, I realized that I did not put much of myself into the paper when talking about the animal abuse. I realized I should put more experiences that I have had with animals.

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