Saturday, January 30, 2010

Despite the appearance of the ever growing popularity towards violence in movies and the mind crippling media of pop culture, it seems as if more and more people are searching for the ideal 'Green World'. This week has made me more aware of the many brilliant people who all share at least one thing in common. Hope! Though some people may show a lack in compassion for the many innocent lives of the people and animals suffering, there are a growing number of others who understand that we can overcome these destructive forces of ignorance, hostility, and hazardous waste if we all work together. It's not that difficult to recycle, help others in need, and prevent littering. There are so many options available, it's just the matter of 'doing it'. This leads me to question the many who protested national health care recently. Why protest against the health of our nation, rather than the poison in our public drinking water? Yes, that was a rhetorical question, as I understand that they obviously aren't concerned with our overall health. Even Britta can not redeem what the unnecessary use of fluoride has done to the calcified pineal gland in my brain, as filters seem to have been designed with a fluoride removal fail system. I'm no expert on the effects of calcification to the pineal gland... but, I do know that fluoride does NOT strengthen your teeth, rather it does the opposite to your bones. Knowledgeable insight of the harmful effects fluoride has can only lead me to guess that these fear mongering protesters probably intake the recommended eight 8-ounce glasses of fluoride and arsenic contaminated water each day. The way you treat your mind effects the way you'll treat your life, and the way you treat your life effects the way you'll treat your environment, and the way you treat your environment will in deed effect the way it'll treat you in return. Poisoning our minds in turn poisons our environment, and that's just simple logic. The more we understand, the more we can grow. We can get through this!

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you when it comes to how ignorant some people are about just doing the simplest things to help our environment. All you have to do is simply throw out your recycling materials in a bin in which the government hands to you. And just don't throw out food or garbage out into the streets. Is it that hard to just wait 'till you get home to throw it out? God forbid your world ends because you have a empty McDonald's cup in your car, you should just have a plastic bag in your car to throw all your garbage in versus being a lazy ass and throwing into our streets!
