Friday, April 16, 2010

If I'm hungry, like right now, the cheese burger in this image would be tempting. Although delicious, I do not want to eat from fast food restuarants. Before seeing Food Incorporated, I was aware of how animals were being treated before being slaughtered, but I was not aware of what exactly was going on in the food industry. It is so sad that the death of a child was from eating a hamburger. There are so many dangers that a mother has to look out for, food should not be one of them. It is true about there being a veil covering the truth: Chickens having breasts twice as big, making it hard to walk, while being in the dark. It is not the proper way to raise a chicken. When I get the chance, I would like to grow my own vegetables and buy from a farmer's market. Not only would it be good for the animals, but for me as well.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Beware of the Pitbull

I am doing my research paper on pitbulls, and how the media portrays them as these vicious animals by only putting the tragic stories of pitbulls attacking people. They are misunderstood because of the media. Most of them are raised to fight, which makes them aggressive. If they were raised properly, they could be the sweetest companion to be around with. It all depends on the type of environment they are put in. My friend had a black pitbull who was friendly and very hyper. Since he was living in a good environment, he was not aggressive, but very strong. Once their jaws latch on to something, they lock. This could be very dangerous if they bite you. In the media, news stories give any dog that looks like an American Pitbull Terrior, the name pitbull. These dogs they confuse them with are sometimes the American Staffordshire Terrior, the Staffordshire Bull terrior, the American Bull dog and many more. The thing is that any of these dogs can become aggressive, if put in an environment in which they are abused.

Friday, April 9, 2010


After watching the movie Food Inc. in class, I will no longer be eating any Tyson chicken products. The movie explained how Tyson has been the largest chicken processing company in the world for the last fifty years. Between the combination of the facts presented and the vivid images shown, Tyson should be shut down. I cannot believe that companies like Tyson are legally allowed to do some of the things they do to sell their product. Regenerating the chicken to have larger breasts is unfair and unethical. It showed in the movie that because of the large breasts the chickens cannot even walk more than two or three steps before toppling over. How is that fair???

Friday, April 2, 2010

"Mom, where do babies come from?"

"Where do babies come from?" This question is one that is inevitable as a parent. Every chile, at some point, is going to ask that same question. Where do you start? The birds and the bees? Most parents figure it out and come up with some sort of reasonable explanation for their kid or kids. But what happens if its not that simple? If you are a child that has been a result of donated eggs or sperm. That will definitely make things a little harder to explain. I personally don't see anything ethically wrong with an arranged baby, especially if one or both partners are unable to reproduce. In the essay read, the family requesting the baby just had too many requests. No one can have a perfect baby. If that was the case, EVERYONE would had the prefect baby.


When I was in high school, I would sometimes go to my grandma's house for a visit. Her next door neighbor had a grandson who left his pitbull puppy chained up in the backyard in a shed. The poor puppy was starving and you could see the ribs and bones from his hips. Since the neighbor was 78 years old and had a dog of her own to take care of, she did not take care of the pitbull. When I found out, I decided to go everyday and feed the pitbull some of my dogs food and give him water. After a few days, Geraldito, the owner of the dog, came back and got food for the pitbull. I was relieved to know that he was being fed but still upset that he was not getting the proper attention and love that every dog needs. The owner left him again and eventually I found out that the pitbull had been taken away. I never found out what happened to him.

I don't understand why someone would get a dog if they are not going to take care of him. When this happened, I had just gotten my first dog. Her name is Honey and she is a golden retriever. I was learning the responsibilities of what it take to take care of a dog. A dog not only needs the attention of feeding him and bathing him but a dog needs a lot of love. Taking care of a dog is a big responsibility and I think people should be aware of that before they decide to get a dog, or any other pet.

Friday, March 26, 2010

I'm thinking of doing my research paper on the zoo technology program that I will be entering in August. I am so excited to be entering and a little nervous, because it is going to take dedication to work during holidays and weekends. This program is helpful in teaching students about animal management and you get hands-on experience. This is the reason why I came here, so I could experience that not do I only do I get to work in the zoo, but I also have to give tours to the public around the zoo and tell them about what types of animals there are. Although this is going to be challenging and I will be nervous at first, this will help me in the future whenever I have to give public speeches or just to communicate with people that I do not know. Before I interact with the animals, I will be doing work around the zoo including the tours. I am so excited to be in the program, but until then, I just have to work hard in my classes now.

Dogs don't play games!

I was reading some of the headlines on and I came up on this article and video of a pit-bull canine attacking a police cruiser. The policeman said he had no idea what sparked the attack, but sure enough, something did. The pit-bull, without any notice, started chewing and tearing off the front bumper of the cruiser. After a matter of 45 seconds or so, the pit-bull had the bumper off the car entirely and someone left the cruiser with a flat tire. The dog was detained for a week and then released back to it's owner. The court ordered that the dog is required to attend obedient school to hopefully prevent any future attacks. Although the video and story is very amusing, it could have been catastrophic if this was a child or any person for that matter. Here is the the link if you guys would like to check it out!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Animal Farm

When I was in 9th grade, I had to read the book Animal Farm from George Orwell. At that time I would never have guessed that the book had anything to do with politics. I only thought it was about talking animals fighting over the farm. The truth is that this story is based on actual events in real history. Of course it did not involve talking animals but it was based on the Russian Revolution in 1917. The animals had taken over and the farm and eventually two pigs took over and created a system called Animalism. As time went by the rules were being broken and little by little the animals were starting to sleep on beds and walk on two legs. In the end, they could not tell who was human and who was an animal. It is amazing how Orwell could make a story about animals in a farm and turn it into this historical event.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Vader Knows

How is it that, no matter how much time I dedicate to learning the art of proper comma usage or understanding correct grammar and punctuation, I still have trouble remembering it all, but can remember this ridiculous 'Shut up woman get on my horse' song word for word when I only heard it once several months ago? I really liked the lecture our instructor gave us in class last Thursday. It helped me realize how important it is to use proper commas and punctuation. All this time I would wonder to myself why commas are so important, since back in the day people used lines and shapes as a form of communication and they knew what they meant, so why should we need so many complicated 'set' rules and guidelines for communication? But, now I can understand. It's kind of like math or a logical pattern, and with out applying this 'logic' when you communicate you can stir up confusion among others and might not be heard by others because they don't know/care what you're talking about. It's strange, and fascinating, that I'm more interested in learning the concepts of commas and grammar use, rather than remembering the 'Shut up woman get on my horse' song that I only heard briefly several months ago, but I can't remember for the life of me how to use commas and for some reason this song is embedded in my memory from start to finish and word for word. Maybe, if language was somehow taught through annoying memes, people could remember what they've learned better. That way, it wont be bad thing when someone says, "I can't get it out of my head!"... and now an ELO song is stuck in my head, great.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Earthquake in Chile

Many catastrophes have happened throughout the years, from the World Trade Center destruction to the tsunami in Indonesia. Throughout these past few days two other catastrophes occurred. First was the earthquake in Haiti, and after that, another earthquake occurred in Chile. This earthquake, with an amplitude of 8.8, was the worst recorded. I first found out about this earthquake when I was changing the channel on my television. I was shocked to hear the news because the earthquake in Haiti had occurred not too long ago. It was said that about 200 people were killed. Before this earthquake, there was an earthquake in Argentina of an amplitude around 6.4. After this there were around 66 aftershocks, one of them being the earthquake in Chile. The amount of energy this earthquake had, caused the probability of there being a tsunami in Hawaii, Australia, Japan, Russia, and many other countries. It is amazing how much power an earthquake can have, but it is more frightening to experience and witness the destruction that it can bring.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

And the Caged Animals Cry, for More 'Idol' Worship

There's really no reason for world hunger to be an issue to our planet, but we don't see this because we are so blinded by a strong faith in our dependence on money and materialism. We reason with a presumed authority in power, who tells us through emotionally biased news feeds and advertisements that we depend on everything money can offer. As we continue exemplifying our manipulated obedience to conformity, our emotions leave us vulnerable to the feeling of needing to convert in order to survive. We get so caught up in our busy so-called 'lives' that we forget what is really important to us. Of course our intellect, as well as the proper usage of our resources, aren't always the biggest concerns. It is sad to know that the majority in our culture knows more about American Idol than knowing the three branches of our American Government. I as well have been found guilty of not knowing the three branches of our government. If that's not sad enough, I also didn't even know/remember that there were three until today, but I can also say that I have no clue who 'Ellen' is or what it has to do with American Idol.

Apparently, more people typically vote for American Idol than for presidential elections as well. The American society exercises a dependency on emotionally biased and fallacious arguments in order to pay attention and the media uses this to their advantage. Can this really be considered an advancement in our culture? Heck no! If a population depends on their emotions, in response to an exaggeration or a lie, as a basis to forming a decision... then there is an obvious error concerning our overall intellect, and is in dire need of careful observation and concern. No wonder why there are so many people suffering from insecurities and guilt. Our outer, authoritative influences are lying to us, telling us who to be and how to live, in order to gain profit off of our obedience and fear/insecurities. You are free in this country, that is, if you are perfectly comfortable with acting on your emotions and being crammed inside everyone else's 'box'. Knowledge is the key to liberation, something that television/ads do not offer. I believe that our focus is more concerned with what's popular rather than what's necessary.

Edible Landscaping can, not only benefit toward people's personal gardens, but also parks, school properties, churches, and pretty much anywhere. Churches don't even have to pay taxes for their over abundance of land usage, so they could also contribute toward ending, not just our own, but the World's hunger. We don't 'have' to eat meat to survive. We can get just as much, and some can even argue, better nutrients from eating off of plant bearing food and fungi, as long as it's grown in the right environment for it's specie. Egg sharing can also be inexpensive. This could benefit, as fish and chicken are healthier and cheaper meats. We can get protein from chicken eggs, so why do we need to eat 'chicken' beyond that of an egg? Either way, having a good number of chickens around can be beneficial toward human survival, especially for 3rd world countries that are suffering of starvation. If people are to eat meat they should be willing to kill their own food. It disassociates us from understanding where our food comes otherwise, which has led us to forget how to respect the very lives of which we sacrifice and depend on. Tilapia, as well, could easily be bred in large enough quantities to place in local ponds and lakes around the warmer climatic regions, thus resolving our need to depend on money for food.

Friday, February 26, 2010


A killer whale killed a trainer Wednesday afternoon at SeaWorld in Orlando. Dawn Brancheau was the victim of these horrific accident. Supposedly Dawn was in the whale holding area about 2 p.m. when she apparently slipped or fell into the tank and was fatally injured by one of the whales. The killer whale got a hold of Dawn and violently shook her underwater. One reporter claimed her shoe flew off! When you search "Seaworld Attack" on google, millions of results come up with all different stories. There is talk about shutting down Seaworld entirely since this incident. This is a trajic and very sad story, but if you think about it, its a KILLER WHALE. I'm not sure if there are any repercussions for this whales actions, but I don't think it would be fair. I don't even think its fair for the whales to be taken out of the wild crammed in a fish tank anyways. Prayers go out to Dawn's family.


A killer whale killed a trainer Wednesday afternoon at SeaWorld in Orlando. Dawn Brancheau was the victim of these horrific accident. Supposedly Dawn was in the whale holding area about 2 p.m. when she apparently slipped or fell into the tank and was fatally injured by one of the whales. The killer whale got a hold of Dawn and violently shook her underwater. One reporter claimed her shoe flew off! When you search "Seaworld Attack" on google, millions of results come up with all different stories. There is talk about shutting down Seaworld entirely since this incident. This is a trajic and very sad story, but if you think about it, its a KILLER WHALE. I'm not sure if there are any repercussions for this whales actions, but I don't think it would be fair. I don't even think its fair for the whales to be taken out of the wild crammed in a fish tank anyways. Prayers go out to Dawn's family.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Skinny Cow

At first glance, you might not find anything wrong with this ad, but as you start noticing the details you'll find that there is.This is an ad for low fat dairy products. Everything about this ad emphasizes on being skinny, from the measuring tape on the waist line to the skinny human female figure of the cow. It focuses on only women and losing weight. This can lead to puting pressure on women to lose weight and have low self-esteem. It could also lead to having an eating disorder. This is a big problem for many adolestants because of the media putting pressure on them to be skinny. Although this is not always the main cause of an eating disorder, it can affect a person greatly. That is why I feel more commercials and ads in the media should put out more realistic images of life even though life is not always "beautiful", it want put pressure on you to be like the Victoria Secret models.

Friday, February 12, 2010

"Im not that Innocent"....!

When you watch television and see all these famous people, they tend to give you the impression of they're role. Just like Tiger Woods for instance when you think of him or see publicity on him you think to yourself " wow what a fun-loving, well-mannered, typical family man. Yet we all fail to realize the truth behind all these people. Im not stating that they all have negative aspects to them but most do. Just like Britney Spears. In her earlier years she was a teen pop sensation and a role model to a lot of younger girls. Progressing through a career, everyone began to see what fame and publicity had done to her. That once "Lucky" girl, ended up becoming not so lucky... Britney Spears disappointed many people when she went through her mid-life crisis. And the reason i compared her to Tiger Woods is because just as Britney had everyone fooled and then dissapointed so did he.

Good Woods Gone Bad

I find this image to be very amusing because of the sort of irony that goes behind it. The once perfect man that portrayed himself as a family man is now on the cover of "Vanity Fair" shirtless, and now is portraying himself as a "bad boy". This just comes to show the reality behind the lives of these flawless people. This situation is also a sad one for all of the Wood's fans who looked up to him and thought of him as their hero, becase that is usually what they are to the fans. They are heroes that can do the impossible, and that motivate fans to be like them. Since Tiger Woods is only an athlete, his life has no effect on our lives. Yes, it might effect our mood at the moment, but in the end, it is just another scandal that will be forgotten shortly after another one pops up.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tiger Woods Scandal

I found this picture pretty amusing, especially after the article we read for class. Can you believe that all these pictures are now released after the media got a hold of the scandal? Any chance the media gets to degrade Tiger Woods, they will. This image and the one on the magazine cover we looked at in class are released to show a different side of Tiger. He went from the "family man" to the scandalous golf player in a matter of a few days. What tiger did was wrong, but in the sceme of things this happens all the time. Due to the combination of him being a celebrity, and the contributions from the drama indulged media, Tiger is now thought out to be an enemy in many peoples eyes.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

"...I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no great war. No great depression. Our great war is a spiritual war... Our great depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't, and we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off." -Fight club
Values are like water, able to fit any shape they're poured into. People seem to be disconnected from reality, their lifestyles disassociating them from the world and from the idea of us as both individuals and interconnected beings. Do we really need to know what a duvet is? Curious of what a duvet was, I looked it up online and read... "A DUVET cover is just a fancy name for a comforter cover. It is essential to cover and protect your down comforter with one. Another great reason to buy a duvet cover is to use it over your regular comforter." WTF? Why is this 'essential' for such a small fragment of our evolution? Life is instantaneous. Time is short. Our lives, our present selves, fill such an insignificant portion of time. Why do we concern ourselves with names, items, and glamor? We are not the clothes we wear. Name brands and fancy nicknames do not define us! A bed cover is just a bed cover and that's all it needs to be; something that covers you and keeps you warm. A car is just a car; it helps your lazy fat ass get from point A to point B faster, does it really matter how big or shiny it is? Furniture is just furniture. What about it defines you as a person? People exist outside their selves, trying to be like everyone else, afraid of the hidden jewels with in. The television doesn't tell you how to be human, rather it enforces an image and a life style that people seem to be convinced will complete us. To feel complete one must first look with in and observe their inner selves with out social perception because this reality you see on the t.v is not real and distracts people from finding their true potential. We are all brain washed mindless sheep all ready to jump on the next bandwagon even if it leads us to the slaughter house. A person recently posted on Facebook..."P.S. Forgot say my new shoes have 4 1/2 inch heels and I cannot walk in them but they sure look GOOD!" and then a later quote "I am putting my UGGS in the car plus __ is dropping me off and picking me up at the elevator - I could never walk from the parking lot in my new shoes. My sister says how are you going to dance and my response was: You know I have always been a believer of being in pain and being beautiful". If you can't walk in shoes then why the hell are you buying them? I wonder how much money goes to this frivolous material crap that could've went toward technology or ending world hunger. People make me sick. We are a disgusting parasitic hazardous mindless specie that seems to believe that we are somehow supreme. We value our ego as the supreme. Our ego defines us. We don't own our egos, rather the ego is in control of the actions we make. What makes you fit in? What makes you beautiful or look 'good'? Is your answer rationalization or circular reasoning? Why do we buy crap that we don't need, showing no concern for those that don't even have the things they need. I like what I said in class while we were having our group discussions about our comparison/contrast essays. "If natural resources come with a price tag where's the equality?" People should build houses because they want to give others shelter. People should educate because they'd like to see a decrease of the plaguing ignorance that seems to be abound in our society. People should grow food because they want bellies to be fed. We have options, we have resources. With equal opportunity to be fed sheltered and clothed we could do good things out of pleasure to contribute not because we have to to survive. The idea of slaved labor, as it is a reality in cooperate business, is also a lie. An illusion to keep us busy and free from thinking. Is this really freedom or are we the caged monkeys, rattling and screaming about, unaware of the key to salvation that lies with in? I still haven't seen Fight Club, though I do like the idea of Brad Pitt's manic episodes kinda like in 12 Monkeys mixed with Edward Norton's gorgeousness, I'm also not a big fan of unnecessary violence. I understand that maybe it added to it's shock value and appeal, but that doesn't mean that I need to see it. It seems like most of my philosophies Andrew relates to this movie anyway. I found out this weekend that there's also a book... so I'm going to check that out.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Facebook, as we all know, has exploded over the last few years. Everyone from elementary/middle schoolers, to grandparents can be found on facebook. As with everything, facebook has its pros and cons. Some pros include: contacting lost friends, advertisement, and its a great way to meet people. Cons tend to outway the pros this time. Cons include: tagged photos (in some cases), facebook stalkers, addiction, and many more. Facebook is a great networking site. but sometimes people need to know when to stop.

So you think your cool huh?

Have you ever just been skimming through a magazine and you pass a page where there's a remarkably beautiful woman posing taking up a huge page, modeling? If your looking through a fashion magazine or a magazine made just for woman, you'll probably notice on the bottom that there's a little paragraph stating all of the companies of which the apparel the woman is wearing and all of its prices. Now days everything's about "fitting in" and trying to be a part of the cool crowds. These magazines advertising want you to leave an imprint of their clothing in your head so that you'll have that "drive" to want their clothing. I mean i completely understand that now days you cant look bad or just dress crappy because that's just not how things are anymore and of course you do want to feel good about yourself and impress others. Its just something people do for themselves. But the problem starts when people don't want to shop at places like Target or Kmart for clothing because apparently that's just for people who "don't have money", and those are the people out there spending hundreds of dollars in name brand stores like Coach or Abercrombie, all just to be able to say "Oh yea i got this in Abercrombie", because apparently that makes them high class. And to top it off the people you see spending those amounts of money on top notch clothing are probably the people that dont have the money!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


This photo goes hand in hand with my narrative essay. "Peligro" means danger, and this was the first sign I learned when I arrived to Costa Rica. Before arriving, I never really thought about how important and helpful signs are, and when I was surrounded by all spanish signs, I then realized how important they are. Luckily after about two weeks I had learned what most of the signs meant, and thankfully never got in any trouble not obeying them!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Despite the appearance of the ever growing popularity towards violence in movies and the mind crippling media of pop culture, it seems as if more and more people are searching for the ideal 'Green World'. This week has made me more aware of the many brilliant people who all share at least one thing in common. Hope! Though some people may show a lack in compassion for the many innocent lives of the people and animals suffering, there are a growing number of others who understand that we can overcome these destructive forces of ignorance, hostility, and hazardous waste if we all work together. It's not that difficult to recycle, help others in need, and prevent littering. There are so many options available, it's just the matter of 'doing it'. This leads me to question the many who protested national health care recently. Why protest against the health of our nation, rather than the poison in our public drinking water? Yes, that was a rhetorical question, as I understand that they obviously aren't concerned with our overall health. Even Britta can not redeem what the unnecessary use of fluoride has done to the calcified pineal gland in my brain, as filters seem to have been designed with a fluoride removal fail system. I'm no expert on the effects of calcification to the pineal gland... but, I do know that fluoride does NOT strengthen your teeth, rather it does the opposite to your bones. Knowledgeable insight of the harmful effects fluoride has can only lead me to guess that these fear mongering protesters probably intake the recommended eight 8-ounce glasses of fluoride and arsenic contaminated water each day. The way you treat your mind effects the way you'll treat your life, and the way you treat your life effects the way you'll treat your environment, and the way you treat your environment will in deed effect the way it'll treat you in return. Poisoning our minds in turn poisons our environment, and that's just simple logic. The more we understand, the more we can grow. We can get through this!

Friday, January 29, 2010

As the years progress, and the environment is in more need of help, many more people are involving themselves in helping the environment by going green. Yet there is so much controversy as to what needs to be done. So many people are complaining about the environment and all the violence now a days and they do nothing to help the situation but be hipocritical. I believe in order for us to make this "help the earth" situation we must all do our part in recycling and just the little things like stop littering and reducing your carbon footprint.... This picture resembles peace and unity in making the world a better place.


In my narrative essay, I talk about a pamphlet that was given to me. It had information on the animal abuse that occurs in factories. I was so upset from hearing this and seeing the graphic pictures they had in the pamphlet. There were corpses of pigs on the floor and chickens that were starving. I don't see how people could do this to animals. They deserve respect because they suffer and feel pain just as we do.

Doing the peer review could be helpful for your partner, but it can also be helpful to you. While you are putting advice on how to improve his/her qwn paper, you could be learning ways in which you could improve your paper. In reading the comments of my paper, I realized that I did not put much of myself into the paper when talking about the animal abuse. I realized I should put more experiences that I have had with animals.

Friday, January 22, 2010

In Michael Pollan's story, he tries to depict hunting as a very powerful and thrilling hobby. Yet alone, rewarding, when the job is done and you got what you originally went for in the first place. In the beginning of Michael's story, he tries to make all of his readers feel as if they were there with him in the forest . He is very detailed about what is going on and the thrill he feels as hes analyzing every little thing around him waiting for his prey.
From the few times that Ive been hunting, I can honestly relate and understand everything he explains to us about what is going through your head as your just sitting and anticipating for the moment you've been waiting for. And as he quoted in his story, when you're in the middle of the forest waiting, you say to yourself "I am the alert man".

Going in For the Kill

The perfect meal for Michael Pollan was the fact that he knew how everything was made and where it came from. He had hunted and killed his prey and made it into a meal. The meal that was made was cooked in the kitchen with the help of eachother. He was amazed by how something that does not look so appetizing uncooked, could turn into a delicious meal.
I agree with how that could be considered the perfect meal to him. I enjoy cooking, or at least attempting to cook, and have never experienced that perfect meal. I can't imagine myself killing an animal. I would probably be traumatized by it. Of course, if the only option I had was to hunt an animal for food, I would, because I understand that it is in our nature and hunting animals for food is a part of life. Just as lions chase down a gazelle or a snake catches a mouse, we as humans will kill animals for meat.

The Staple Remover: A blood mongering vicious demon of an inanimate contraption.

To some, this little guy may appear inconspicuous, but this black hat of all stationary items is a malicious beast that one must never dare to challenge (and by 'challenge' I mean 'not pay attention to while it's sitting on the floor'). How do these things happen? 'Tactical planning' sounds more reasonable for this injury to have been pulled off. Planning of God, I say! There's no other way to consider this but as a big 'eff you' from the man himself. I mean what's a better way to say it than "Good morning, I understand that you're thinking about attending your ENC class on time today, but here's a staple remover lodged up your finger nail, enjoy!". I'm beginning to catch on to a reoccurring pattern that makes it appear as if I am bound to either eternal tardies or eternal gradually increasing injuries, or maybe even both for this class. Why is it that the earlier I wake up to ensure punctuality for this class the worse things happen? What's next? Do I dare to wake another hour earlier, understanding my chances of increasing hazardous encounters simply based by perceived pattern?
How is it that other people suffer less from injuries? Common injuries for 'normal' people are generally like... on occasions stubbing your pinky-toe, or biting your tongue really hard by accident while eating. My common injuries are... getting sliced open from my hand down my wrist via 'coconut', really bad cardboard cuts, staple remover up the finger nail... critically injured by bottle caps and anything 'potentially' (or not) sharp, abuse happens even from the most absurd objects. My guess is that my best bet for avoiding any further tardies for this class is waking up before the sun is willing to show it's face, with a bubble suit at the foot of my bed!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Some people may cringe at this image, but this is exactly what the hunter was looking at in the narrative we have been discussing. Some people change their mind about hunting once it gets to this gruesome stage, cleaning. Cleaning? Ironic...I know. Guilt may be the case, or some may be grossed out by the "cleaning". Whatever the case may be, I believe that every meat eater should have no problem hunting their dinner.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Ironic Support for Freedom!

The image I used for this blog could quite possibly be photo shopped, but I appreciate the bold sense of irony and how it's representation stands similar to the article we read on "My Nike Media Adventure". Yes, I understand that some people may feel offended toward this article in the defense of the people we may see as victims, viewing it as their only means for survival, but do they see the irony in this? This makes me wonder for the Nike factory workers, those laboring for a company that is surprisingly still getting away with supporting slavery, but advertising freedom... ironic, eh? To me, it's about as cheap as our president obtaining a nobel peace prize, while currently at war and announcing that there's more war to come, when there is no shred of evidence to be found to justify the suffering of others that we are causing. Where is freedom when no equality is to be found? How can we claim that there is freedom when poverty is amongst us, while higher corporations profit off the misfortune of others, rather than using the funds to better support those in labor by helping grant others the equal opportunities that they deserve as people of this earth? How do some people sleep at night? Did anyone even listen to Martin Luther King? Did his message, as well as others alike, ever actually get through to people? If so, the numbers of which the message did not seem to get through is depressing. I believe that if more people than less listened, understood, or cared at all then the world would be very different today.

Staying Connected

In the story Faceless on Facebook, the author mentions her experience with her attempt to use Facebook. Throughout this story, she is overwhelmed by the fact that she thinks she has no time for this and she is worried about what people will see. She gets anxious easily and feels she needs to take pills just for using the site. In the end, she quits using the site in all because in a way she is saying she is much too superior for that; mentioning the cocktail parties that she will be attending. It gives a kind of ironic sense of what she is saying when throughout this whole story it is all about her.
I feel I can relate to this story only in the way that I feel self-conscious about what I will put, but I know I should'nt be worrying about those things. Like the author says,"Let people make their own judgements in person." I technically have facebook, but I never used it. Now that I am in college, I feel it is a good way to stay connected to family and friends.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


This image seems to tie in pretty well with our recent homework assignment, "My Nike Media Adventure". Maybe this image should have been included in the e-mails between Nike and the customer, what do you think?